Experimenting with Photoshop and GIMP

I’ve been playing around with both Photoshop and GIMP, trying to learn better how to use both programs. One of my favorite gifs is this one on bccmee’s blog. I wanted to see if I could try and make something along the same lines. Thanks for the inspiration bccmee (and Guy of Gisborne too)!

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4 thoughts on “Experimenting with Photoshop and GIMP

  1. Loving the animated gif. The added flames are a nice touch. The answer to your gif’s question is YES. 😉

    • Thanks bccmee. It was a lot of fun learning how to make the flames. Oh and thanks for answering the question! I figured anyone in their right mind would answer in the affirmative. 😉

  2. Great job! I’ve been trying to learn GIMP too. But I am obviously not as quick a study as you. (I am also impatient and hate reading too many directions!)
    Bravo for your success. It looks fab!

    • Thank you phylly3! I usually use a combo of Photoshop and GIMP. I’m not a big fan of reading directions either…so when I look for tutorials I look for ones that are really concise

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