A Richard Armitage Picture Is Worth 58 Words

A big thank you to everyone who contributed a word or multiple words to the “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words” project. Between comments here on the blog and suggestions made in Armitage World Chat (If you’ve never been, we’d love to have you–we are normally there in the evenings.), I had 58 words to work with.

Again I went with a beardy pic. Don’t worry, I’m neither trying to convert you non-beard lovers or in denial about the demise of the beard. πŸ˜‰ Something about the beard pics just seem to work best for this project. I hope you all like the final result!



For those interested in trying to find all of the words in the graphic, here is the complete list of words used:

Admirable Β * Adorable Β * Agile Β * Appealing * B.A.M.F. * Beardy * Captivating * Chameleon * Charismatic * Delectable * Dreamy * Endearing * Engaging * Enthralling * Exquisite * Fascinating * Gentlemanly * Graceful * Gracious * Handsome * Humble * Intelligent * Intense * Intriguing * Irresistible * Jovial * Keen * Luscious * Magical * Magnetic * Magnificent * Marvelous * Mesmerizing * Modest * Muse * Mysterious * Naughty * Observant * Pensive * Quick * Ravishing * Scrumptious * Sensational * Sensual * Sexy * Statuesque * Stunning * Suave * Sublime * Talented * Tender * Unexpurgated * Unique * Valued * Wonderful * Xenial * Yummy * Zestful


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15 thoughts on “A Richard Armitage Picture Is Worth 58 Words

  1. Teuchter

    This is absolutely brilliant!! Love the fact that you made a “beardy” picture! I thought it suited him! πŸ˜€

    • Thanks Teuchter! You use the shadows in Photoshop to make the image work and the beard provides some lovely shadows. πŸ™‚

  2. Mezz

    Fabulous Jas!
    What is BAMF an acronym for? It could describe the feeling I get in my stomach when I look at him!

    • Mezz, BAMF stands for Bad Ass Mother F*****. I believe Samuel L. Jackson is a big fan of the phrase. πŸ˜‰

      • Mezz

        LOL! Thanks Jas, your reply prompted me to look it up in Urban Dictionary…an epically awesome person…among others. Yep, it fits! πŸ™‚

  3. Gorgeous! Which, surprisingly, wasn’t one of the words. πŸ˜‰
    Great job, jas, as always.

    • Thanks, Zan! Hmmm…how did no one suggest gorgeous? Definitely would have been a fitting addition. πŸ™‚

  4. I Love it! good idea

  5. Lovely! Is there software creates this effect? I only dabble in graphics. Ha!

    • Thanks, Grati. I made this in Photoshop, using a multi-step tutorial. I think there were four layers, a mask, a few differerent FXs. Anyway, I’m sure you could follow the tutorial too. I very rarely manage to make things without some help.

  6. Pingback: Legenda 41: Stuff worth reading « Me + Richard Armitage

  7. Wonderful!

  8. Excellent Jas Rangoon ! πŸ™‚

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