Happy St. Patrick’s Day

I hope everyone’s having a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day. Is everyone stuffed with various kinds of unnaturally green food? šŸ˜‰ I’ve got corned beef and veggies cooking away in the crock pot. Needless to say, I’m looking forward to dinner.

In honor of the holiday, I made a cheesy graphic. Richard as a leprechaun: why not?

Leprechaun RA

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8 thoughts on “Happy St. Patrick’s Day

  1. Servetus

    He looks a little resentful, but I appreciate the attempt … šŸ™‚

    No St Pat’s here, there’s not even a little bit of Irish in the Servetus family genes …

    • I’d probably be resentful too, if someone dressed me up like a leprechaun . šŸ˜‰

      In my family we’re more or less mutts. But even if we weren’t I’d celebrate this particular holiday as St. Patrick is one of my favorite saints.

  2. Leigh

    No St. Patrick’s Day here in Spain; no corned beef, either. Somehow, we muddle through until Holy Week. While I imagine that Richard can dance a jig with the best of them, I’m not sure he’s enjoying being a leprechaun.

    • I can see why you wouldn’t have St. Patrick’s Day in Spain, since it’s an Irish thing. Holy Week is probably a really big deal in Spain I would imagine. For us it’s mostly confined to Good Friday and Easter Sunday. You have me picturing Richard doing a jig. I have to confess I’d love to see that!

  3. obscura

    I am a bad non Irish wife of a half Irish husband…I tend to forget that my kids are as much Irish as they are Dutch from my side (I never forget about St Nick’s Day…candy is so much better that corned beef ) That has to be the longest legged leprechaun I’ve ever seen! šŸ˜‰

    • Forgetting about St. Patrick’s Day doesn’t make you a bad non-Irish wife! Besides, if it was important to your half Irish hubby, wouldn’t he do the remembering? šŸ˜‰ Mostly I remember because I’ve almost always lived in places where the holiday is a big deal–stores full of green food, parades, corned beef and all that fun stuff. We never forget St. Nick’s Day in my family either, mainly because it happens to also be my birthday, but it also became family tradition when we lived in Germany. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’ll take the long legged leprechaun over the traditional variety any day! šŸ™‚

      • Obscura

        Half Irish hubby may be a bit forgetful due to traditional Jameson’s brand of celebration on St Pat’s eve ;). I also find myself favoring the long legged leprachaun, but I know find myself wondering about his shillelagh….. Couldn’t help myself. šŸ˜‰

  4. I love how he fills out his vest! My family and my husband’s both descend from Irish immigrants -mine back in 1820 or so. This is the first time I’ve been at home to celebrate St. Paddy’s day in a long time, but we were too busy spring cleaning to make anything special. I did buy a pot of lovely shamrocks though!
    Thanks for the cheery graphic!

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