What ice cream flavor is Richard Armitage?

This was a question posed in the comments of my RA ice cream man post. And since the devil hasn’t taken his weather back yet, it got me thinking. Plain old vanilla or chocolate just won’t do for Mr. Armitage. Therefore, I turned to my trusty friend Google to look up unique and interesting ice cream flavors. So, without further ado, here are the choices I came up with.

Dark Chocolate and Chili Gelato:

Dark, rich and velvety with just a hint of kick.

Soy Coffee Ice Cream:

Mr. Armitage did once say he drank soy lattes.

Beer Ice Cream:

We’ve all seen that Pilsner Urquell commercial.

Ah, and now we come to some interesting options! ๐Ÿ™‚

Better than Sex Ice Cream:ย cake batter ice cream with Duncan Hineโ€™s Devils Food Cake Mix and African vanilla extract mixed into it. Crunched up Heath Bars are added to the mixture and fudge is ribboned throughout.

This one seems like a no brainer to me!

Junk-in-the-Trunk Ice Cream:ย African Vanilla ice cream with brownie pieces, pretzel pieces, crushed Oreo cookies and pieces of white chocolate and dark chocolate.

Couldn’t find a picture of this one, so this will have to do:

With that lovely backside of his, Mr. A could certainly be Junk-in-the-Trunk.

So, what do you think?

If you think another flavor is more fitting, be sure to tell us! ๐Ÿ™‚

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25 thoughts on “What ice cream flavor is Richard Armitage?

  1. mersguy

    Better than Sex! What a combination of tantalizing flavours, something different with every mouthful!

    • It does sound really tasty…although I confess, I included it here mainly because of the name! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Snicker's Mom

    I went with Junk in the Trunk, cuz we all know he’d love mine! ๐Ÿ˜‰ The real reason, he seems to be a bit of this and that, which I felt the ice cream embodied. Salty from the pretzels, sweet from the brownie, bitter from the pieces of dark chocolate and you get the picture. Only one way to find out, I think fedoralady should ask him at TH panel!!!!!

    • All good thoughts! He does seem to be a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Angie should definitely ask him at The Hobbit panel. Maybe she could take him some samples. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Anonymous

    What about this flavor?

    Just kidding! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. I couldn’t go for the ‘Better than’ thing, as I have no idea how the ingredients taste. But as I have made the experience, that pralinรฉs are a female thing, as men don’t like surprises, I would say he goes for a one flavour through and through ice cream. I know, not very romantic ;o)

  5. For eating he might like a simple flavor, but if he were ice cream what do you think he’d be?

    • Vanilla, as a reminder for ‘home’ or chocolate, to feel round and about content. I warned you, my suggestion really is not very romantic or extravagant ;o)
      I would even throw in an adventurous combination of the two, like Straciatella – hmmm, the thought alone is delicious. I am sorry that I can’t get to ice cream right now. It is really hot here and I could do with some as well. I would most likely choose cinnamon or peaches or apricots or best all of it ;o)

      • Vanilla and chocolate are just fine choices! The reasons that you chose them make a lot of sense to me. ๐Ÿ™‚ I like the idea of him being Straciatella (had to look that one up).

      • Oh, I forgot, Straciatella is very famous here in Munich (Bavaria), as Munich is considered the ‘most northern town of Italy’ and Italians here are just the very best with ice cream ;o)
        ‘Him being Straciatella’ – white with black dots ;o) I love that ;o)))

        • That’s too funny about Munich being the northern most town of Italy! I didn’t realize that is where you live. When I was a very little girl, my mom spent several months having to commute from Schwรคbisch Hall to Munich every day.

          I’m sure the Italians do make the best ice cream there. The best I’ve ever had was in Beirut, and it was very much like Italian gelato. Yummy!

          I’m laughing picturing him with black spots! ๐Ÿ˜†

      • I thought about his black dots also in another sense, like what he said about himself, so I made the ice cream into him being white and nice with a bit of ‘naughty’ sprinkled in ;o)
        When you come to Munich, I must show you my secret tip for ice cream. It is an Italian family held coffee shop with the best cinnamon ice cream ever and my combination always is Straciatella (they have really large and delicious chocolate parts sprinkled in) and Cinnamon ;o) Hmmmm, I am dreaming now of having some ;o)

  6. RA is definitely Dark Chocolate and Chili Gelato because he’s chocolatey, dreamy and spicy.

    • When Snicker’s Mom asked the question, this is the flavor that immediately popped into my head. He is after all always being described as tall, DARK and handsome. Then there are the comparisons of his voice to chocolate. And the spice, it just seemed appropriate. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. Better than sex and junk in the trunk. After looking at those pictures I am hungry now.

  8. fitzg

    I do like the cinnamon suggestion – throw in a clove too! As well as dark chocolaty, he is rather – spicey! Gisborne isn’t precisely vanilla, but true, a break from playing baddies might make vanilla ice cream very appealing to him! ๐Ÿ˜€ Maybe dark choc with lime juice, cloves,and a shake of hot paprika?

    • These are all great suggestions, fitzg! I like the variety of them.That last one, dark chocolate, lime, clove and paprika, sounds so complex and fitting.

      This is just a suspicion, but it wouldn’t surprise me in the least, if on a day he’s been filming not stop–where he just wants his bed at the end of the day–he probably is vanilla.

  9. We have a flavor called “Death by Chocolate”. It is Chocolate ice cream with chocolate chunks, brownie and almond bits. Yummy, just like Richard!
    I like all your selections Jas, but only chose one. ~winks~

    • Jeannie, you’re making me hungry! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I could see that flavor suiting him. Chocolate seems like a must when we’re talking about RA, it the voice I guess.

  10. I’m sorry but I can’t participate… no…I mustn’t take part in this discussion due to the fear that my head will simply explode. Richard Armitage and food / icecream on a hot day it too much for me to handle!
    PS. Strawberry short cake… soft vanilla with strawberry flavour, with little crunchy bits…sweet and hard… OK, now I really have to stop because I’m drooling on my keyboard…

    • Lol, yes RA and ice cream is really an explosive combination. Strawberry shortcake seems like a nice fit, especially your description of sweet and hard. That sounds very much like the RA that we see from interviews…sweet on the inside, but oh so hard on the outside! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  11. Pingback: Legenda 34: Stuff worth reading « Me + Richard Armitage

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